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Mexican lime import to US at peak

After several months of limited supplies, lime volumes are now steadily increasing each week. Warmer temperatures are helping production move along, and suppliers are now beginning to see a surplus. This is a fairly typical pattern each year, however the peak in production has been shifted later this year.

"Production right now is starting to hit its summer peak," said Eddie Caram of New Limeco based in Florida. "We typically see an increase in supply along with warmer temperatures. Normally, this starts to occur in the first week in April. However due to cooler than average temperatures in Martinez de la Torre during the spring, the peak has come later."

"We have a year-round supply from the Mexican region," he continued. "But at times when supplies are limited, like earlier this year for example, we also source them from Colombia and Honduras."

Market gap between larger and smaller sizes set to narrow

However, Caram predicts this is looking to narrow as a new crop is about to hit the market. "Predictions are that with the new crop coming in, the market will be moving rapidly to close up that gap. Demand continues to remain very good." For more information on how can you select the right Agribusiness partner or expand it from or to Latin America, ask FGH´s International Agribusiness, Latin America's leading Agribusiness Consulting firm.

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