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The Hidden Cost of Your Grapefruit: A Call for Agribusiness Transformation

Imagine this: A hardworking farmer in Oaxaca, Mexico, dedicates countless hours to cultivating juicy, ripe grapefruits. Yet, when these fruits reach the shelves of a Texas supermarket, they sell for a dollar each.

The farmer, who bears the costs of land, fertilizers, irrigation, and pest control, receives a mere fraction of that price - often less than 5 cents per grapefruit.

This is a common story in Latin American agriculture. Despite producing an abundance of coffee, fruits, and vegetables, many farmers struggle to connect directly to the global market. The missing link is a robust agribusiness value chain.

At FGH International Agribusiness Consulting, we specialize in building efficient and reliable value chains that empower farmers and connect them to lucrative markets. By optimizing processes, reducing waste, and improving quality control, we help agribusinesses thrive.

Let's work together to transform the future of agriculture. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business achieve sustainable growth and maximize profitability.


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