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The Importance of Sustainability in Big Business: Focus on Becoming Carbon Neutral

The Earth's climate is changing. While this is a regular occurrence in the Earth's cycle, the advancement of technology and industrial growth has irrevocably impacted the Earth's climate at an alarming rate.

Climate change has become a growing concern among nations worldwide, and leaders are working together to figure out how to tackle the climate crisis. The United Nations Climate Change Conference (Cop26) gathered in October 2021, where world leaders developed a plan to limit the global temperature increase to avoid catastrophic climate change. Each country is being asked to reduce harmful carbon emissions and to do that. They need to partner with businesses to take action to implement changes to help achieve the goals of Cop26 to secure Net Zero.

What is Net Zero?

The world's temperature is rising at an alarming rate, much faster than scientists had anticipated due to the rapid growth in the population, creating greater demands on the economy. The goal is to slow down carbon emissions to keep the 1.5-degree rise in temperature within reach. Net Zero aims to reach a balance between how much carbon emissions are added versus how much carbonemissions are removed from the atmosphere collectively.

How to Reach Net Zero

The government cannot take on this task alone and needs to collaborate with global companies, farmers, and communities to help cope with a warming planet. Together it's a combination of reducing emissions and protecting and restoring our ecosystems. Each country has been asked to accelerate phasing out the use of coal and encourage companies and governments to invest In renewables. One way to become more environmentally friendly, deforestation needs to be reduced, and more companies who haven't already are working to make the switch to using electric vehicles. Cutting down emissions is not enough on its own. The ecosystems that have been destroyed need

help to be restored and protected. Defensive measures need to be put in place to ensure these ecosystems continue to thrive. All of these ambitions are not possible without financial backing. For the world to reach these ambitious goals, countries need to raise money and release funds locked in public and private sectors to help secure global net zero.

Reducing Water Footprint

Although the main goal of the Cop26 was focused on reducing carbon emissions, reducing the water footprint is just as crucial to the climate crisis. Communities have experienced water scarcity throughout the world, affecting livelihoods, agriculture, and business alike. Freshwater is essential for life, and the overconsumption of water is draining rivers worldwide, leaving them dry for too long and starving entire ecosystems. Corporations and communities continue to pollute large bodies of water. The more significant issues with water scarcity can halt production and cause problems within the supply chain, and cause conflicts. By placing water footprint on companies' agenda, the global water supply can begin to replenish and reduce the harmful impacts to the world.

In Conclusion

Investing in globally sustainable objectives is working today for a stronger economic future. As environmental issues grow, more and more companies are taking the initiative to reduce their carbon and water footprint. Companies can lead the way to a carbon neutral future by making small changes that make the biggest impacts and help the environment.

At FGH International Agribusiness, we are a Latin American consulting firm committed to helping to solve challenges in the agro and biotech sectors dedicated to helping our clients meet the ever-increasing demands of the consumer. To find out how we can help your business build a brighter, sustainable future, visit FGH Agro today.


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